Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Radon is a colourless, odourless, radioactive gas that comes from the decay of uranium found in soil and rocks. It is estimated that 10% of lung-cancer related deaths in Quebec are linked to radon exposure. Steps you can take to test your radon levels and reduce your risk include: 1️⃣ Purchase a radon test kit online at the Quebec Lung Association: https://poumonquebec.ca/en/produit/ra... The cost is $45 but you can get a $10 discount if you use the code RADON2021 when you order before December 31st, 2020. 2️⃣ Follow the instructions provided to properly place the detection device in your home. 3️⃣ After 3 months send your radon test kit to the lab to be analyzed using the return packaging and instructions provided. Results in a few weeks. 5️⃣ If your radon level is below 200 no action is required 6️⃣ For radon levels above 200 you should take action by getting a qualified contractor to install a ventilator that will depressurize the ground underneath the house and exhaust the radon gas outside.