Plumbing Tips and Advice with Jason Schwartzman of Precision Plumbing

by BW Group on Friday, January 5, 2024
Broady Windsor Group Podcast: Episode 5

In this article, we will be discussing various aspects of plumbing, including the different types of pipes, the advantages of using certain materials, and common misconceptions about plumbing. We will also provide some tips and advice for homeowners to prevent plumbing issues and save money. Jason Shwartzman from Precision Plumbing, a trusted service provider in the field of plumbing and heating, offers his expertise.

Types of Pipes

According to Jason, there are different types of pipes used in plumbing. Copper pipes have been used for over 25 years, but they have become more popular in the last decade. There are also commercial-grade PVC pipes, such as Warbow or Upor, which expand instead of corroding. These pipes are not available at big box stores and require specialized access. Additionally, there is a new type of copper fitting called Propess, which has a gasket inside and eliminates the need for soldering. This shift towards simplicity and efficiency saves time and labor costs.

Complexity of Jobs

When it comes to plumbing jobs, Jason emphasizes the importance of proper planning and sizing. He mentions that one of the biggest mistakes engineers make is not understanding plumbing and how it affects the layout of a building. It is crucial to have a talented engineer or architect who can work in conjunction with a trusted plumber to ensure everything is sized and installed correctly. Bringing in the experts early on in the process is key to avoiding costly mistakes and ensuring a smooth plumbing system.

Common Misconceptions

One common misconception Jason encounters is people flushing items that should not be flushed, such as wipes. He explains that wipes, despite what they claim on the packaging, do not dissolve and can cause major blockages. He shares a shocking experience where it took his team 33 hours to unblock a drain filled with wipes. Jason advises homeowners to never flush wipes and to be mindful of what they put down their drains.

Exterior Plumbing

Jason also discusses the importance of frost-free faucets in exterior plumbing. He explains that the code recommends installing a frost-free faucet with a 12-inch stem that closes at the end. However, many people do not know how to properly drain these faucets, leading to freezing and bursting. He suggests unscrewing the nut on top of the faucet to allow air in and ensure proper drainage. If a frost-free faucet is not available, he recommends turning off the water from the inside and opening the faucet to drain it before the frost comes.

Preventing Floods

Knowing the location of the main water valve is crucial in preventing floods. Jason emphasizes that many clients do not know how to shut off their own water in case of an emergency. The main water valve is usually located at the front of the house, often under a staircase or in a crawl space. Being able to shut off the water quickly can save time, money, and prevent further damage. Jason also recommends updating old shut-off valves to quarter-turn ball valves for easier operation.

Water Conservation

Water conservation is another important aspect of plumbing that Jason discusses. He mentions low-flow toilets and special fixtures that can help save water. He explains that even a small leak or a constantly running toilet can cost homeowners thousands of dollars in water bills. It is crucial to fix any leaks or issues with toilets immediately to avoid unnecessary expenses. Jason also mentions that most new toilets have ratings for how much water they can flush, and the majority of them are efficient enough to handle normal usage.

Hot Water Tanks

Jason advises homeowners to be aware of the lifespan of their hot water tanks. While insurance typically covers tanks for 10 years, it is important to check the manufacturing date and consider replacing the tank if it is older than 10 years. He also recommends installing a pan underneath the tank to catch any leaks and prevent damage to the basement. Draining a hot water tank can be intimidating for some homeowners, but Jason assures that it is a necessary step to prevent potential issues.

Water Damage vs. Fire Damage

According to Jason, water damage is more destructive than fire damage. While fire can burn everything, it can be extinguished and rebuilt. However, water can cause mold growth, which can lead to health issues. Jason emphasizes the importance of fixing leaks and addressing water damage promptly to prevent further damage to both the property and the health of the occupants.

DIY Plumbing

When it comes to DIY plumbing, Jason advises homeowners to be cautious and only attempt tasks they are comfortable with. While some simple tasks like changing a flapper or a kitchen faucet can be done by homeowners, more complex tasks should be left to licensed professionals. Jason warns against working on old plumbing systems, as it is easy to break drains and cause floods. He recommends calling a professional plumber to ensure the job is done correctly from start to finish.

In this article, we have discussed various aspects of plumbing, including different types of pipes, common misconceptions, and tips for homeowners. It is important to choose the right type of pipes for your plumbing system, such as copper pipes or commercial-grade PVC pipes. Proper planning and sizing are crucial to avoid costly mistakes in plumbing jobs. It is also important to be mindful of what you flush down your drains and to properly maintain exterior plumbing, such as frost-free faucets. Knowing the location of the main water valve and updating old shut-off valves can help prevent floods. Water conservation is important to save money, and fixing leaks and issues with toilets promptly can prevent high water bills. Hot water tanks should be replaced after 10 years, and installing a pan underneath can prevent damage. Water damage is more destructive than fire damage, so it is important to address leaks and water damage promptly. DIY plumbing should be approached with caution, and complex tasks should be left to professionals. By following these tips and advice, homeowners can prevent plumbing issues and save money in the long run.

If you have any further questions or need the services of a trusted plumber, you can contact Precision Plumbing on Facebook or by calling or texting Jason at 514-203-3489. Remember to join the Homeowners Advisory Club to access a directory of trusted service providers, including Precision Plumbing.